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Women's rights > blog > End of infertility era in Iran

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Infertility era can be considered over, said the head of Infertility Treatment and Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic of Avicenna Research Institute, affiliated to Jahad Daneshgahi.

Dr. Ali Sadeqi Tabar also said the cost of infertility treatment is lower in Iran compared to other countries.

He added that Avicenna Research Institute provides the necessary services to infertile couples.

Based on figures, 40 percent of infertility refers to a male’s inability to cause pregnancy, 40 percent pertains to female infertility and the remaining 20 percent is due to unknown reasons.

He continued that infertility treatment has three stages including diagnosis, medical treatments and surgeries.

Sadeqi Tabar said infertility treatment cost is less than $1000 in Iran. This is while it is between $12,000 and $15,000 in developed countries, €8,000 in Europe and between $5,000 and $6,000 in Cyprus, Turkey and the UAE.

He urged for rise in insurance coverage for infertility treatments.

Jahad Daneshgahi — as one of the leading institutions in treating infertility — entered the realm of infertility treatment in 1991.

Infertility Treatment and Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic features 30 specialists in different areas including infertility surgery, urology and male infertility, embryology, genetics, pathology, infectious diseases, anesthesiology, immunology, radiology, and psychology.

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