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Women are still doing far more housework than men

Women's rights > blog > Women are still doing far more housework than men

The majority of women do more than 20 hours of housework a week, while the majority of men do under five hours

In the battle for who’s doing the most housework, women are definitely winning… at the expense of having any time to themselves. Women do more housework than men in 93% of British households, a study has revealed. That’s still the case if both partners work full-time. Working women are five times more likely than men to spend 20 or more hours a week doing housework. Men, in comparison, averaged fewer than five hours per week. So women are doing around four times as much work at home than men are. Cool. In the 7% of households where women don’t outdo men on the cooking and cleaning front, this is because the woman earns more money. But to repeat, in the majority of cases, even when the woman earns more money or has a more demanding job, she’s still more likely to pick up the bulk of the household chores. The team from University College London analyzed data from more than 8,500 different sex couples who were interviewed as part of the UK Household Longitudinal Study. They only found two small groups where men’s contribution to housework was equal of more than that of their female partner’s – in 6% of all couples women were the clear breadwinners, and in 1% of all couples the man didn’t work and took on more than 20 hours of domestic labour. Almost half of those surveyed were dual-earners, indicating that even when women work full days at the office, they begin a second shift when they reach home.




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